“The Epitaph of Seikilos” is regarded by historians as the oldest surviving musical composition in human history. Inscribed in stone, its haunting lament over the passing of life reminds us of impermanence, the ever-swift passage of time. “Shine bright, as long as you live… “
In the face of impermanence, how can we shine? Knocked about by pandemics and economic and political uncertainty, where do we find our light?
It’s right here! Behind the shadow of doubt cast by social norms, fears, expectations and trauma. We can only clear the shadow if we commit to uncovering our innate truth, a task which is life-long. As we discover and constantly fan the flames of our inner torch, so we inspire those around us to find their own light.
(Thank you to Hyon Gak Sunim for the vision, recording, synthesis, and creative genius behind this piece of artwork, and Γιάννης Παπάκης Παπαδοπουλάκης for the editing for the final result!)