Ok, now read that again. Pause for a moment, and really let that sink it. You are the entire ocean. In your cells, in your consciousness, you have all the...
I love this poem. Especially the lines, “Is the world throwing me away? Am I throwing away the world?” It reflects so powerfully, the way walking a spiritual path with...
"Once we learn to slow down, our nervous system relaxes and we’re able to be more and more present. Then scenery is available. Life is now available." "Εάν μάθουμε να...
"If we are able to change our internal war-zone into a responsible and peaceful place, then this will emanate to our environment. Most importantly, it will change the dynamics and...
Πριν την 2η καραντίνα είχαμε βρεθεί στο Synthesis για λίγη συζήτηση και τσαγάκι, και όσα είπαμε ήταν πολύ ενδιαφέροντα… Ένα θέμα που συζητήθηκε τότε και που μας απασχόλησε είναι η δέσμευση. Στη yoga,...
As we laugh at the video, and tell our teachers "I hate you!", with time, patience and trust, we finally collapse our control into "bring it on!". The result is...
"We need to stay awake, and this is a constant practice. Once we recognize the unhelpful and/or unhealthy parts of us, we need to keep them close, keep our eye...
How often have you found yourself drained from trying to support a friend? Do you tend to make your partner’s problems your own, thinking this will help? Does that help,...
When all thoughtsAre exhaustedI slip into the woodsAnd gatherA pile of shepherd’s purse.Blending with the wind,Snow falls;Blending with the snow,The wind blows.By the hearthI stretch out my legs,Idling my time...